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Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

2011 comes to an end.

Let me show you some tweets before I tell you some explanations:

These were Nick Santino's tweets. And I absolutely re-tweeted one of them: the first one.

I'm sorry for saying that I'd rather choose 2010 as a great year than 2011. 2011 banyak duka men. Banyak galau, banyak perasaan "Oh-if-only-I-can-turn-back-time", dan harapan "Oh-I-wish-I-can-go-back-to-2010". I know it couldn't help at all, but wishing is never be so wrong :p

But beside all tears I wasted (drama) in 2011, good times were still there. Good times - nangkep ubur-ubur, ngericuh di NAV nyanyi lagu jedag-jedug, bikin video Mr. Saxobeat di kelas, remedial kimia contek berjamaah di kelas, naik kicir-kicir sampe teriak MAMA-MAU-PULANG!, lomba jalan bak model bohay di IPS 3, dapet bag chitato yang gede dan isinya segepok chitato, dapet sertifikat Newscasting, gerak jalan Walk for Autism di Monas, menghinggapi satu busway lalu pindah ke busway lainnya, masuk IPA, bertahan di IPA, dikasih kesempatan anniv 1 tahunan dan waktu untuk bersimbiosis mutualisme dengan kakdaus, tur keliling Jawa, pergi ke pantai setelah bertahun-tahun gakepantai...

And so many.

Entah gua kena Alzheimer tingkat upil atau apa, gua gabisa terlalu baik dalam mengingat apa aja yang udah terjadi di tahun ini... Entah karena terlalu sering nulis jurnal kelas, atau terlalu sering ngerjain PR. Semuanya agak kabur-kaburan di otak gua.

If there were good times, there would be bad times too... Dimana gua terus menerus megangin kepala sambil ngacak-ngacak rambut pas ngadepin PR IPA yang maha banyak, dan terus menerus mem-push diri gua buat pindah jurusan, ditambah lagi kegalauan-kegalauan mau kuliah dimana, dan berbagai jenis galauan lain yang seharusnya bisa gua kurangin porsinya di masa mendatang. I hope.

I lost so many family members in this year, although I wasn't so close with them, but the feeling of losing was there. Deep condolences, jasmine smells, graves, kafan, and prayers... I hope they could rest in peace, protected as well in God's side.

Next year, I hope:
I'll be wiser, mightier, and better. I'll still be with my man... if I deserve that. Just hope everything's gonna be better and nice.
If I deserve that

I've wrote down anything I want. So, here's the last post of 2011.
Please, be really awesome, 2012 :)




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